Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Gotcha Day..

Meisha's life began somewhere in China..... but "we came to life" when she joined our family of two.
Qi Jia Te, we love you with every ounce of our beings and would walk to the end of the earth and back for you and swim the widest ocean to see that beautiful face.
You have blessed and enriched our lives in countless ways and we could not imagine a single day without you in it.

Happy Gotcha Day!!!..... it was truly the beginning of my life.
Meisha's life and story, opened my eyes, my heart, and changed me for the better in a way that I will never be able to describe. She gave my life Purpose and that is my name for her. My sweet Purpose. She is the beat of my heart.
One day I hope to find the words to tell her...or maybe I just did.